We have had a lovely day today! Everyone arrived at school dressed in red, white and blue and we started the morning with a special assembly. We learned about Queen Elizabeth II and saw footage of her coronation.

At lunch time, our amazing kitchen staff served a Jubilee lunch. They had worked so very hard to make it special for everyone and I know that we'd all like to say a HUGE thank you to them for their efforts.

Throughout the day, children enjoyed a range of activities in their classes, including creating their Platinum Jubilee planters, which can now be seen at the main entrance of each of our school buildings. They thoroughly enjoyed learning gardening skills whilst creating something beautiful with which we could decorate our school environment!

Toby thought today was great - he knew there was something special going on and decided he'd dress for the occasion, too, with his bandana and deely boppers. What a dapper dog!